to ponder upon

He causes to grow for you thereby the crops, olives, palm trees, grapevines, and from all the fruits. Indeed in that is a sign for a people who give thought.
And He has subjected for you the night and day and the sun and moon, and the stars are subjected by His command. Indeed in that are signs for a people who reason.
And [He has subjected] whatever He multiplied for you on the earth of varying colors. Indeed in that is a sign for a people who remember.
(an-nahl : 11-13)

Friday, December 02, 2011

impart your well-said words

in the name of Allah, The Most Gracious and Most Merciful

it's been more than a month since my very last post
sorry my bad

i know that i should have at least drop a sentence from His love letter
even if i got the least time to drop by
or what will i answer Him for having a blog when He takes me someday?
what will be the best answer if He happen to ask me
"what have you done to your blog for the sake of Islam??"

and i think the same goes to any other social networks 
as in facebook, twitter and to name a few

"apa kau dah sumbangkan untuk Islam melalui blog dan facebook kau wahai Khadija?"
what will i answer?what will you??

and if He happen to take you away from His world, without any further notice,like you are fired within 24-hour notice,
what is our last word on our facebook profile??
blabbering others?labeling others?talking bad things about others?
and no one can ever penetrate your account and your latest status will remain forever when you DIE..
because you never know when your time will come

if it's positive,than it's okay
if it's negative?then you want people to label you the same way you did?

but, if you put up preaching status for instant,
then people will put some respect on you 
and who knows, your good words are taken into consideration and 
with Allah willing, the person would change to a better person because of your inspirational words
you'll get the rewards as he or she practices great manner


what if you put up such this status
"f*** you...damn'll get your %$&$*%&( "
what people will judge?

so..we better think before putting up any irrelevant words that doesn't show the beauty of your religion?
apatah lagi kalau awak tu seorang Muslim... 

so lets us say good words, and write positive issue 

"sampaikan walaupun satu ayat"
"ballighu anni walau ayah"

Monday, October 31, 2011

we are what we HEAR

in the name of Allah, The Most Gracious and Most Merciful

we often hear the phrase "we are what we eat" don't we?
i totally agree with this phrase, and however., i would say that it is only applicable to
our PHYSICAL GROWTH..yes, merely to our physical needs
we are required to take balanced diet, enough supplements, and eat in proper amount
so that our PHYSICAL turns out,and well shaped curve

but, the simplest routine that will build our SPIRITUAL GROWTH is based on 
what we hear, often hear
so, in another word "we are what we hear"
did you know that our body consists of 70% of water?
water is not only taking the shape of the container itself, 
but also will be changed due to the surrounding.
YES...THE MOLECULE WILL CHANGE to what it is being exposed to

many researches done by many researchers showed that the water molecule will turn out 
super amazing and beautiful in shape and structure if good words and spells and prayer
recited to them, you can find a book about it which i cannot recall the author..
and when the water is being cursed, tortured, and recited with bad words as simple as STUPID or SILLY...the structure will automatically turn out super horrible, nasty and shoddy..

by that, i think as a Muslim, we SHOULD AND MUST listen to good music, soft and have nice words(as in Nasyeed and quran) so that the water molecule in our body will turn out well and decent..
thus, we'll someday become a good person

and when we often hear strong music, harsh words..then our water molecule will turn out horrible and we ourselves will become harsh because it shapes our internal part...

regardless other factor la kan...

Sunday, October 30, 2011

a precious pearl

in the name of Allah, The Most Gracious and Most Merciful

"Indeed in that is a sign for a people who give thought."
(an nahl:12)

i noticed that me myself often 
see things
but do not think
hear things 
but do not bother to think

i should weigh a matter mentally

can't I even see the PRECIOUS PEARL?
deep down beneath the sea?
they are pretty well covered with super thick SHELL
pearls are the oldest known gem 
and for centuries were considered the most valuable thing.
in fact, they have long been considered ideal wedding gifts,because 
they symbolized purity and innocent.

It is commonly assumed that only one in ten thousand oysters will naturally 
produce a gem quality pearl. 

in fact, be like a pearl
hidden beneath a great hijab
and finally will come out as a precious treasure to a MAN
that is really meant for her.

an outstanding well kept and reserved to the one that deserved

info :

Sunday, October 23, 2011

if the ocean were the ink

with the name of Allah, The Most Gracious and Most Merciful

Say: "If the ocean were ink (wherewith to write out) the words of my Lord, sooner would the ocean be exhausted than would the words of my Lord, even if we added another ocean like it,for its aid." 
(al kahfi:109)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

nothing aimlessly

one day, when i was landing on a petal of this beautiful
sparkling flower, a bird ask me

birdy : what are you doing?

me : i'm doing my stuff

birdy : i'm so proud of you. you have such a pair of light wings , yet you are able to fly high,sometimes, higher than me

me : i'm proud of you too, in quite a different way. you fly high and further away,until i can no longer see you, yet you will eventually come back where do you belong..because

Who remember Allah while standing or sitting or [lying] on their sides and give thought to the creation of the heavens and the earth, [saying], "Our Lord, You did not create this aimlessly; exalted are You [above such a thing]; then protect us from the punishment of the Fire.(ali imran:191)

i fly awayyyyyyyyyyyy from the bird because there are more birds await behind... peaceeeee

everything happens for a reason

~I believe that everything happens has its creator~

haa... if you ask me what is my purpose of life...

like how the larva is made to become a charming butterfly,
i love to ask myself

why ancient people created slipper?
to cover my feet from swelling up

why modern people created laptop?
to allow me to bring it where i wish to,so that i can settle everything up

why ancient people invented pillow? support my head and tada,,,i can have a beautiful dreams every single night

 why God created me?
hurm, everything happens for a reason

He wants me to be a good slave
to worship Him
"and I have not created the jinn and the men except that they should serve Me"
(al dzariyat:56)

He also wants me to be the caliph on His world He's created
And (remember) when your Lord said to the angels: "Verily, I am going to place (mankind) generations after generations on earth." They said: "Will You place therein those who will make mischief therein and shed blood, - while we glorify You with praises and thanks (Exalted be You above all that they associate with You as partners) and sanctify You." He (Allah) said: "I know that which you do not know."
(al baqarah:30)

Monday, October 17, 2011

the test

sometimes it's hard for us to let it be

it's even harder for us to say good bye

but if it is simpler than going through it

there is always a reason for not having it

laying over our life because

"seorang muslim yang ditimpa penderitaan , kegundahan, kesedihan, kesakitan, gangguan, dan kerisauan, bahkan hanya terkena duri sekalipun, semuanya itu merupakan kafarah (penebus) dari dosa-dosanya"
(H,R Bukhari dan Muslim)

Sunday, October 16, 2011

butterfly life cycle

how beautiful butterfly was brought into life from nothing
I took it from here

the egg is a tiny, round, oval, or cylindrical object, usually
with fine ribs, and other microscopic structures. The female attaches
the egg to leaves, stems, or the other objects, usually on or near the 
intended caterpillar food.

the caterpillar (or larva) is the long, worm-like stage of the butterfly
or moth. it often has an interesting pattern or stripes or patches,
and it may have spine-like hairs. It is the feeding and growth stage.
As it grows, it sheds its skin four or more times so as to enclose
its rapidly growing body.

the chrysalis (or pupa) is the transformation stage within which 
the caterpillar tissues are broken down and the adult insect's
structures are formed. The chrysalis of most species is brown
or green and blends into the background. Many species overwinter
in this stage.
-she was nothing and immobilized and yet turns into a beautiful flying butterfly-

The adult (or imago) is colorful butterfly or moth usually seen.
It is the reproductive and mobile stage for the species. The adults undergo
courtship, mating, and egg-laying. The adult butterfly or moth is also 
the stage that migrates or colonizes new habitats.

-every hardship that gone, comes the rainbow-
-before Allah wants to grant us an ease way of life, He'll definitely give us
tests so that we would appreciate His gift-